“5000万不孕妈妈的福音”— 干细胞技术修复受损子宫内膜,带来新希望
2021-09-27 15:06:27 来源:
最近,有实验将自体和异基因干细胞移植到动物或人体身上治疗AS。Alawadhi F等人的一项研究表明,在患有医源性AS的小鼠中进行骨髓源性干细胞移植后,其生育能力得到改善。自体骨髓干细胞移植是治疗难治性AS的最新进展。一项印度开展的先驱研究将骨髓来源的干细胞注入子宫随后使用雌激素治疗,证明了其在恢复人类月经和生育能力方面的有效性。中国的一项前瞻性临床研究使用自体月经干细胞移植恢复了患者生育能力。然而,针对Asherman综合征的干细胞移植远未普及。
(4)干细胞通过多个系统对受损子宫发挥作用,每个系统都有助于病理性瘢痕环的生理再生和抑制。总之,干细胞治疗对于顽固性 Asherman综合征可能是一种合理的治疗方法。目前需要进一步对Asherman综合征患者的干细胞治疗的长期安全性和有效性进行更多的研究。
1. Alawadhi F, Du H,Cakmak H, Taylor HS. Bone marrow-derived stem cell (BMDSC)transplantation improves fertility in a murine model of Asherman'ssyndrome. PLoS One. 2014;9(5):e96662.
2. Singh N, Mohanty S,Seth T, Shankar M, Bhaskaran S, Dharmendra S.Autologous stem cell transplantation in refractory Asherman's syndrome: anovel cell based therapy. J Hum Reprod Sci. 2014;7(2):93–8.
3. Benor A , Gay S , Decherney A . An update on stem cell therapy for Asherman syndrome[J].Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 2020, 37(2).
4. Santamaria X,Cabanillas S, Cervello I, Arbona C, Raga F, Ferro J, et al. Autologous celltherapy with CD133+ bone marrow-derived stem cells forrefractory Asherman's syndrome and endometrial atrophy: a pilot cohortstudy. Hum Reprod. 2016;31(5):1087–96.
5. Tan J, Li P, Wang Q,Li Y, Li X, Zhao D, et al. Autologous menstrual blood-derivedstromal cells transplantation for severe Asherman's syndrome.Hum Reprod. 2016;31(12):2723–9.
6. Nagori CB, PanchalSY, Patel H. Endometrial regeneration using autologous adult stemcells followed by conception by in vitro fertilization in apatient of severe Asherman's syndrome. J Hum Reprod Sci. 2011;4(1):43–8.
7. Cervelló I,Gil-Sanchis C, Santamaria X, Cabanillas S, Diaz A, Faus A, et al. HumanCD133(+) bone marrow-derived stem cells promote endometrialproliferation in a murine model of Asherman syndrome. FertilSteril. 2015; 104(6):1552–60.e1–3.
8. Gargett CE, Ye L.Endometrial reconstruction from stem cells. Fertil Steril.2012;98(1):11–20.
9. Gargett CE, SchwabKE, Deane JA. Endometrial stem/progenitor cells: the first 10years. Hum Reprod Update. 2016;22(2):137–63.
10. Santamaria X, MasA, Cervelló TH, Simón C. Uterine stem cells: from basic research toadvanced cell therapies. Hum Reprod Update.2018;24(6):673–93.
11.Dane JA, GualanoRC, Gargett CE. Regenerating endometrium from stem/progenitor cells:is it abnormal in endometriosis, Asherman's syndrome andinfertility. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol. 2013;25(3):193–200.
12. Taylor HS.Endometrial cells derived from donor stem cells in bone marrow transplantrecipients. JAMA. 2004;292(1):81–5.
13. Bianco P, Robey PG,Simmons PJ. Mesenchymal stem cells: revisiting history,concepts, and assays. Cell Stem Cell. 2008;2(4):313–9.
我国的不孕患者数超过5000万人,其中20%—40%是由于子宫内膜损伤所引起的。临床实践中,子宫内膜损伤与频繁的宫腔操作史,感染及部分药物的使用密切相关。人工流产后宫颈或宫腔黏连称为Asherman综合征,是由于刮宫时损伤宫颈管黏膜或子宫内膜基底层,肌层,局部创面形成而致黏连。Asherman综合征是以色列妇科医生Joseph Asherman在1948年首次描述的一种妇科疾病,它的特征为宫内粘连(IUA,以前称为妇科闭锁或粘连),导致子宫腔部分或完全闭塞,并伴有症状。这个获得性综合征是由内膜破坏引起的,通常会导致不孕、复发性流产、慢性盆腔疼痛、月经不规则(月经过少或闭经)或痛经。该综合征的特征是功能性子宫内膜缺失,即子宫腔因疤痕组织、反复妊娠失败、不孕以及产科问题(如胎盘异常-即前置或增大)。
最近,有实验将自体和异基因干细胞移植到动物或人体身上治疗AS。Alawadhi F等人的一项研究表明,在患有医源性AS的小鼠中进行骨髓源性干细胞移植后,其生育能力得到改善。自体骨髓干细胞移植是治疗难治性AS的最新进展。一项印度开展的先驱研究将骨髓来源的干细胞注入子宫随后使用雌激素治疗,证明了其在恢复人类月经和生育能力方面的有效性。中国的一项前瞻性临床研究使用自体月经干细胞移植恢复了患者生育能力。然而,针对Asherman综合征的干细胞移植远未普及。
(4)干细胞通过多个系统对受损子宫发挥作用,每个系统都有助于病理性瘢痕环的生理再生和抑制。总之,干细胞治疗对于顽固性 Asherman综合征可能是一种合理的治疗方法。目前需要进一步对Asherman综合征患者的干细胞治疗的长期安全性和有效性进行更多的研究。
1. Alawadhi F, Du H,Cakmak H, Taylor HS. Bone marrow-derived stem cell (BMDSC)transplantation improves fertility in a murine model of Asherman'ssyndrome. PLoS One. 2014;9(5):e96662.
2. Singh N, Mohanty S,Seth T, Shankar M, Bhaskaran S, Dharmendra S.Autologous stem cell transplantation in refractory Asherman's syndrome: anovel cell based therapy. J Hum Reprod Sci. 2014;7(2):93–8.
3. Benor A , Gay S , Decherney A . An update on stem cell therapy for Asherman syndrome[J].Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 2020, 37(2).
4. Santamaria X,Cabanillas S, Cervello I, Arbona C, Raga F, Ferro J, et al. Autologous celltherapy with CD133+ bone marrow-derived stem cells forrefractory Asherman's syndrome and endometrial atrophy: a pilot cohortstudy. Hum Reprod. 2016;31(5):1087–96.
5. Tan J, Li P, Wang Q,Li Y, Li X, Zhao D, et al. Autologous menstrual blood-derivedstromal cells transplantation for severe Asherman's syndrome.Hum Reprod. 2016;31(12):2723–9.
6. Nagori CB, PanchalSY, Patel H. Endometrial regeneration using autologous adult stemcells followed by conception by in vitro fertilization in apatient of severe Asherman's syndrome. J Hum Reprod Sci. 2011;4(1):43–8.
7. Cervelló I,Gil-Sanchis C, Santamaria X, Cabanillas S, Diaz A, Faus A, et al. HumanCD133(+) bone marrow-derived stem cells promote endometrialproliferation in a murine model of Asherman syndrome. FertilSteril. 2015; 104(6):1552–60.e1–3.
8. Gargett CE, Ye L.Endometrial reconstruction from stem cells. Fertil Steril.2012;98(1):11–20.
9. Gargett CE, SchwabKE, Deane JA. Endometrial stem/progenitor cells: the first 10years. Hum Reprod Update. 2016;22(2):137–63.
10. Santamaria X, MasA, Cervelló TH, Simón C. Uterine stem cells: from basic research toadvanced cell therapies. Hum Reprod Update.2018;24(6):673–93.
11.Dane JA, GualanoRC, Gargett CE. Regenerating endometrium from stem/progenitor cells:is it abnormal in endometriosis, Asherman's syndrome andinfertility. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol. 2013;25(3):193–200.
12. Taylor HS.Endometrial cells derived from donor stem cells in bone marrow transplantrecipients. JAMA. 2004;292(1):81–5.
13. Bianco P, Robey PG,Simmons PJ. Mesenchymal stem cells: revisiting history,concepts, and assays. Cell Stem Cell. 2008;2(4):313–9.